We're running out of days here in the actual city of Jerusalem, and we have been out every day this week trying to see everything and soak it all in!
So this is a good time to tell how awesome Brother Harper is. He is just so passionate about teaching and is constantly doing just that. Not because of some puffed up ego or that he likes to hear himself speak, but because students are following him around all the time, asking him questions! Trying to glean from his reservoirs of knowledge and wisdom! I myself got to ask him some questions today and I really learned a lot by what he had to say, and have taken to heart challenges that he has given us, things I can apply in my life, especially as a mother.
We were in a room which could very possibly be the place where the Savior initiated the Sacrament, and Brother Harper bore such powerful testimony of that sacred event that takes place each week. He warns us not to take it for granted as just a mere tradition and not to be followers of the letter of the law only, but to also understand the why we do it. I really like that.
So I've learned lots, and not just seeing historical and sacred places, but gaining new perspective to the scriptures I have always loved. The more I learn the more I learn how much there is to learn, and feel like i know so little! But that's okay because that means there isn't a finite amount of information! We can always add to our knowledge and understanding! There's a wealth of truth out there, and I want to know it all!
...Oh, and...I learned how to tune a guitar today! :D