I thought that today might be an appropriate day to show you where we eat every day. This is what we call the Oasis. The food here is certainly not your typical college student's PB&J for lunch with a bowl of Top Ramen for dinner. It’s about as far from food on a budget as you can get, let me explain a little better. Our head chef, when he is not cooking for JC students is the cook for... the King of Jordan. That’s correct, you read the words right...the King of Jordan! haha pretty awesome I'll admit :D ok but a bit of a disclaimer, we've never had a meal quite as fancy as the pictures you see here, today a film crew came in to remake the Jerusalem Center video and I suspect that this may have influenced the elaborateness of the meals that we had today. Whatever the reason, I was impressed.
So the Oasis itself is pretty spectacular. We often eat outside with the view of the Old City just over the JC rose bushes. You couldn't ask for a better view! Oh and the best part...we don't have to wash our own dishes ;)