This is the entrance to the Jerusalem center. I actually took this the first day that we arrived but I thought it would be neat to show you the architecture. This whole place is built with arches and I love it! Well today we went to the Western Wall and it was probably my most favorite .... Well.... Actually that's really hard to say, but I REALY loved it! We weren't allowed to bring cameras because we were going for the beginning of Shabbat in Friday night. I wish we celebrated the arrival of the sabbath like they do, singing, and some dancing, and a lot of heartfelt prayers. They let us join in with their celebrating and we were even able to sing some of the Hebrew songs because we had learned them in class. I love it here, every day is packet full of new experiences. But what makes it so much easier to be out here so far away is due to the support that I have from home. Thank you. I love you.

Location:Jerusalem Center