"It’s dangerous business going out your door, you step onto the road and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

Bilbo Baggins

Friday, June 29, 2012

Back from Jordan

     So its hard that some of the most exciting parts of my experience here aren't easily recorded on this blog. I had no idea how much of a luxury wifi is in other countries. I will never take internet for granted again. Well I will post pictures and stories from my field trips eventually, in the mean time I think it best that I don't fall behind in my promise to post every day. Today was the second day of my New Testament class and let me tell you I am SO excited for this class! I've been loving the Old Testament and I feel like I have a more solid foundation for other scriptures now, however to learn about the life of Christ is what drew me here in the first place and now I get to study it intensively. These next two weeks we're spending in the center and I'm excited to work really hard to learn every thing I possibly can in that time. After that we go to Galilee for about two weeks and then just a little over a week back in the center for finals and then I'm headed home. Wow, I can't decide if that's a forever long time or if its a terribly short time from now. Its good to be loving life where you are and yet looking forward to whats up next even more.
        Life is good.
